You tell us what you require and we will find the best equipment, sensor or component that meets your needs!


D&A carries out an initially evaluation and continuously monitorization of its suppliers and subcontractors of products and services.

Supplier´s selection and evaluation is assesed according to the following main criteria:

  • Compliance with product specifications.
  • Compliance with service specifications.
  • Provide with all the previously requested or committed documentation in order to demonstrate compliance with the quality criteria or required specifications of both products and services.
  • Keep available at all times all the documented information related to professional qualification and certifications which is mandatory for the hired workers.
  • Assure on time delivery and conformity of the products and services as previsosly requested.

Supplier’s permormance information is collected into an incident index in which its comercial relationship with D&A is determined.

 General rules to be met by suppliers and subcontractors:

1.-  There must be a formal request for an offer from D&A prior to any sort of application for a product or service where the requirements of the request, legal requirements or reference standards must be clearly established.

2.-  In the event that may be a query or a possible difference between what is requested and what the supplier can actually offer, it must be resolved and clarified with the D&A Technicians and managers before the supplier submits any proposal.

3.-  There must be a contractual document or any other similar document such an order issued or accepted by D&A Soluciones.

4.-  If for any reason, changes or modifications arise between what is offered and what is finally going to be delivered (delivery time, technical characteristics of equipment, reconsiderations, etc) must be immediately communicated to the Project Technical Director, who will communicate the final decision in order to adopt:

– Correction of deficiencies.

– Acceptance of the new terms.

– Rejection of the product or service

5.-   An order or service should not be considered as valid if all the requested documentation is not provided.

6.-  In the event of any incident or non-compliance, the supplier must answer for the D&A non-conformity reports with all the necessary information and evidence, in such way that will be able to demonstrate that all deficiencies have been solved, as well as all the necessary actions have been taken so that the failure or error will not show up again.
